Kazakh University launches new “Welcome to ENU” program for Int’l Students

“Welcome to ENU” is a program developed by the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University as one of the results of the “Welcome – Towards incoming international university communities” project, the Erasmus+ program. Within the framework of this program, the students from France, Germany, Turkey, Uzbekistan, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, China and other nationalities study at ENU.
ENU is attractive for Western European countries as a university located in Central Asia, at the same time, it welcomes students from the East, including the CIS countries. This is how the program strengthens the multinational brand of ENU.
Where else will you meet so many people from such diverse backgrounds and from different parts of the world who share a sincere desire to learn in the heart of Eurasia?
After weighing the pros and cons of each program, ENU pooled all efforts and resources to focus on incoming exchange students. Being QS-ranked, ENU has well-established partnerships, developed outgoing mobility, a variety of disciplines in Kazakh, Russian and English, the flexibility of the educational process and simply a friendly learning environment, which are key prerequisites for the success of the program.
The uniqueness of the program for foreign students is also motivated by its location in the capital of the country, Nur-Sultan. ENU reflects an ambitious, rapidly developing, promising, young, but already well-known capital on the world stage.
Moreover, in connection with the recent events in the world (COVID19), in which ENU effectively approached this issue and immediately provided all the conditions for a distance learning basis within the program.
The goal of the “WELCOME TO ENU” program is to attract students to the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University for internship, internship, training on academic mobility from all over the world. Program participants do not have to be university students, ENU also accepts students as a Free mover student (free listener) from any university. Applicants for training under the WELCOME TO ENU program must necessarily be students, undergraduates, doctoral students, trainees from higher educational institutions.
“Welcome to ENU” is, first of all, access to the services and services of the university, from the moment of submitting documents for training until the student leaves Nur-Sultan. Before arrival, the university specialists provide informational advice on all issues related to their training, arrival and adaptation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The main advantages of the WELCOME TO ENU program are:
- Tuition-free education;
- Free accommodation in a new student house designed for foreign students, where participants can get new acquaintances with other students from different parts of the world; student house, like the university itself, is equipped with high-speed WiFi Internet.
- Submission of documents through a specially developed online portal in which students can submit documents, choose the period and direction of study, including disciplines that future ENU students would like to study at the university. Upon completion of training through this portal, program participants can receive an official transcript;
- Online consultation on all additional questions, as well as full information support during the stay;
- Each faculty has an international coordinator who supports the students during the entire period of study;
- Meeting from the point of arrival and escort to the airport or railway station;
- Participation in International days, university youth policy and other events timed to the university and the country as a whole.
Students’ reviews about ENU
Victoria Popova – Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). My name is Victoria Popova, I am from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Under the WELCOME TO ENU program, I studied at the Eurasian National University for a year. I am very grateful to my North-Eastern Federal University and ENU for the fact that they provide great opportunities for their students – studying abroad. The educational system of both universities is different. Firstly, at ENU, subjects are clearly divided into lectures and practice, while at NEFU it depends on the teacher and on how he will conduct his discipline.
When I lived in Kazakhstan, I got acquainted with the traditions and customs of the Kazakhs. It should be emphasized that in many ways they are similar to the Yakuts, starting with the language, since our languages are of Turkic origin, many words are similar. I began to understand their language, I can answer them if they ask something in my native language.
Last year I traveled across Kazakhstan, managed to visit the city of thousands of colors – Almaty, a wonderful resort place – Borovoe. I reached the top of the mountains, admired the beautiful view of nature. I plunged into the everyday life of Kazakhs, tried various dishes from their cuisine, learned new rituals.
The Eurasian National University provides a students house for foreign students. This is the place that becomes dear to each of us. After all, we get acquainted with students who, like us, came to study in Kazakhstan from different countries of our vast world. This is a colossal experience and knowledge that allows you to broaden your horizons and establish connections with the whole world.
Students of the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, Tajikistan.
It was always interesting for us to study in Kazakh universities. It happened that having seen ENU among the universities of Kazakhstan, our interests doubled. Because the information that we read said that something new is always happening at this university. Especially, all of us students from RTSU were students of the Faculty of International Relations, it was eagerly and priority for us to be aware of something new.
Arriving in Nur-Sultan, we were fascinated by the city with its unique beauty, with its architectural and design buildings, which, apart from Nur-Sultan, cannot be found anywhere else. The climate of Nur-Sultan is much different compared to our Dushanbe, it is colder in winter and not so hot in summer. The people here are kind and warm-hearted. Especially the employees of the international department always supported us and were always in touch.
We were settled in cozy and comfortable rooms of a student house that satisfy all the needs of students. Students from almost all over the world live in the hostel and this speaks of the prestige of the university and the conditions that exist there, everyone liked.
Having started our studies, we became witnesses of the information that we listed up. Here, almost every week, international events were held and ambassadors from foreign countries gave lectures to students. And it was a pleasure for us to participate in such events.
Speaking about studying at ENU, we were surprised by the relationship between students and teachers. The relationship between them is like a family. Here everyone is given time, respect for each other and the opportunity to develop skills. I must mention that in ENU, respect for each other is one of the main rules of the university.
Shulen Kaster – Minzu University, China:
My name is Shulen Kaster, I came from China, where I am studying Russian in my third year at Minzu University. Last September I got the opportunity to study abroad and came to study at the Eurasian National University, where I also continue to study Russian in my third year of the Faculty of Philology.
Due to the impact of the coronavirus, we started online training. Teachers publish an assignment in Platonus, and we complete these assignments, discuss them together in a chat, where the teacher gives us the opportunity to correct our mistakes and gain new knowledge. This regime gave us the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge without leaving the hostel.