Czechia Leads Europe in Skills

Cedefop, an agency of the European Union, has just released the 2020 European skills index (ESI), which showcases the skills systems’ improvements made since its 2018 edition, including areas that merit further attention in each country.
Cedefop Executive Director Jürgen Siebel notes: ‘The European skills index is a tool designed to help the implementation of the European pillar of social rights. For an efficient skills system, it is important not only to develop skills appropriately, but also to ensure a good transition from education to work and appropriate matching of the skills acquired to those needed in the workplace.’
The new release includes 31 countries: EU-27, the UK, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
Cedefop expert Ilias Livanos points out that ‘the skills system is a cornerstone to the development and growth of each country, as it is a means towards individuals’ development and wellbeing.’
Read the full article from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
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