
EdUHK Dr Hung Keung’s Interactive Chinese Characters as a New Learning Method

Chinese characters contain Chinese aesthetics, philosophy, culture and wisdom. To allow people of different background to understand the structure and meaning of Chinese characters more easily, Dr Hung Keung at the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Education University of Hong Kong created the pedagogy of “Interactive Chinese Characters as a New Learning Method”.

The new learning method integrates digital media technology with the meaning and structure of Chinese characters to create an inclusive art education system. It further transforms the aesthetic value of Chinese “creating words”, “brush writing” and “painting” in 2D and 4D practices (time-based experience) as part of creative teaching methodologies.

The concept of space and time of Chinese characters are introduced to learners through story-telling. Upon understanding of some basic concepts, learners would then practise writing animated Chinese characters in their own ways. Some of them would use their imagination to add creative elements to the characters. The completed artwork would turn out to be an animation by a special software that learners can share it on the screen. Through motion sensing technology, learners can interact with the animated characters by controlling their motions, the character size and speed of moving.

Through this new workshop-based learning which integrates new media art, design, traditional culture and digital technology, learners will gain an enhanced experience of the cultural ideas of Guan shang (observe-appreciation); Wan shang (play-appreciation); and Ya ji, (literati gathering) with Chinese characters. Combining Chinese culture, arts and digital technology, this course enables both experienced learners and novices to engage in their learning in different ways, enhancing cross-generation and cross-cultural relationships.

This research project creates a new form and experience of Chinese characters’ learning and appreciation for foreigners. The significant database generated from all learners’ characters also serves as a valuable resource for ongoing educational research. The project brought Dr Hung the Silver Medal of the 2018 International Trade Fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products” (iENA) in Germany.

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The Education University of Hong Kong

Nestled in a scenic mountain range, just one hour from Hong Kong’s business districts, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) offers tranquility and world-class scholarship in a vibrant, inclusive community. EdUHK is a publicly funded tertiary institution dedicated to the advancement of teaching and learning through diverse academic and research programmes on teacher education and complementary disciplines, including social sciences and humanities. The University places great emphasis on research capability with the aim of contributing to the advancement of knowledge, scholarship and innovation. EdUHK is committed to creating a sustainable impact on social progress and human betterment and defining the education landscape for not only Hong Kong, but also the Asia Pacific region. Ranked 3rd in Asia and 16th in the world in Education (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021), EdUHK will continue to make an impact locally, regionally and internationally through high quality research and scholarship. Adopting an Education-plus approach, its primary mission is to lead educational innovation, and to promote and support the strategic development of teaching, teacher education and disciplines complementary to education by preparing outstanding and morally responsible educators and professionals while supporting their lifelong learning. To know more about EdUHK, please visit

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