Thammasat organized a national seminar The Silver Tech National Conference

Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute (TU-RAC) organized a national seminar on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Thammasat University, titled “The Silver Tech National Conference 2023” at SCBX Next Tech, 4th floor, Siam Paragon, and having Assoc. Prof. Gasinee Witoonchart, Rector of Thammasat University to give the opening remarks.
Associate Professor Gasinee Witoonchart, Rector of Thammasat University, said both technology and innovation play an important role in helping to solve various problems for the aging society. Thammasat University has supported research and invention of innovative inventions to take better care of the quality of life of the elderly, for example, preventing falls as well as problems that occur with the brain condition of the elderly, etc.
“Thammasat University researchers have given importance to developing these innovations in order to solve problems in a consistent manner and respond to the demands of Thailand’s transition towards an aging society. In the 90th year, Thammasat University continues to move forward in giving back to the society of everyone,” said Assoc. Prof. Gasinee.
The seminar was honored by both domestic and international speakers, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phiphob Udon, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Thammasat University; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chumkhet Sawaengcharoen, Vice Rector for Physical Administration of Rangsit Campus, Thammasat University; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dusit Athinuwat, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jinpitcha Sathiyamas, Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jaturong Tantibundit, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University; Asst. Prof. Dr. Duangjai Lorthanawanich, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University; Dr. Yumi Kimura, Osaka University; and Dr. Yasuko Ishimoto, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare. The closing remarks of the seminar had been given by Assoc. Prof. Witthaya Danthamrongkul, Director of the Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute.
Associate Professor Witthaya Danthamrongkul, Director of Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute, said today is considerably a good starting point. We have organized a conference for Thammasat University researchers to share the technology necessary for improving the quality of life of the elderly. At present, it can be said that our Thai society is a Complete Aged Society and in the next 10 years, we will move towards the next level of aging society, yet everyone can be confident that we will have researchers ready to develop technology to foster a good quality of life. There are universities that are prompt to intensely push for solutions to the problems of the aging society.
“The Silver Tech National Conference will not stop this year. I believe that we will further develop highly-intelligent technology. There are advanced technologies to alleviate the problems of the elderly in Thai society. Let us hope that we will have technology that will help everyone be happy, have a good society, and have well-being, and be able to rely on themselves more,” Assoc. Prof. Witthaya said.
The Silver Tech National Conference 2023 is a stage for all parties involved to brainstorm, exchange knowledge and find ways to utilize both current and future technologies in finding new solutions for the elderly society which is like a big-time bomb for Thai society. This will project impacts on the economy, society, public health, etc., both at the macro and micro levels. Technology is considered one of the solutions for managing an aging society whether it is health, economy, society, living and learning.
This event had been supported by the private sector, including PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited, Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited, Falcon Insurance Public Company Limited, and Siam Piwat Company. Co., Ltd., Boon Rawd Brewery Co., Ltd., and Bertram (1958) Co., Ltd. In which the venue for the event was provided by SCBX Next Tech.
Nevertheless, interested parties can watch reruns of The Silver Tech National Conference 2023 at Facebook TU-RAC or Thammasat University Research and Consultancy Institute (TU-RAC):