Two universities in Kazakhstan jointly develop a new innovative School of Media and Film

Almaty Management University (AlmaU) and JSC Kazakhfilm named after Sh. Aimanov ”established in Kazakhstan the School of Media and Film of a new format (Media & Film School).
AlmaU * Entrepreneurial University continues to develop innovative educational programs in accordance with market requirements and its own strategic goals. One of the industries where today there is a high demand for professionals who are able to think critically, possess ethical values, deep knowledge and possess new technologies, is the creative industry, namely the media and cinema. Despite the fact that there are more than 40 journalism schools and 3 film schools in Kazakhstan, the problem of personnel is still relevant.
The goal of the new school is to train professionals who meet the modern requirements of the media and film market, actively contributing to the development of the creative industry in the country.
The training of the first students will start already in the 2021-2022 academic year. The most important task of the new school will be the creation of the appropriate infrastructure: at the first stage, it is planned to spend 50 million tenge on its development. The Kazakhfilm film studio will make a significant contribution to the technical and intellectual base of the Media & Film School.
“Kazakhfilm” is the main cinema platform of the country, which has a long history and sets the current trends in the industry. Therefore, we are very pleased that the management of the film studio supported the idea of cooperation, ”said the rector of AlmaU Erbol Suleimenov, speaking about the advantages of studying at the new school.
“The subjects included in the curriculum of Media & Film School are based on the curricula of leading schools in the world, and the teachers are specialists whose professional qualifications are confirmed by scientific or practical work. Starting this year, we are launching several experimental specialties, including Digital Filmmaking, Creative Arts Program, Game Design, New Media, Data and Mobile Journalism and some others, ”said Moldiyar Yergebekov, Dean of the Media & Film School.
“Today, the domestic film industry really needs new professional personnel. Technology and creativity are developing so rapidly that in order to become successful in the film industry, it is necessary not only to follow global trends, but also to be able to surprise with its uniqueness. In his message, the Head of State emphasized the importance of increasing the availability and quality of education. We are pleased to participate in this timely initiative in partnership with AlmaU, one of the best universities in Kazakhstan, ”said Aidar Batalov, vice president of Kazakhfilm named after Sh.Aimanov.
“New technologies and high standards of American education at the Arizona State University, the experience of our filmmakers and Kazakhfilm film sets based on the successful AlmaU University – all this is the guarantee that the School of Media and Film should take place and bring a new quality in the training of professionals for the field of film and media “, – said the President of the Association of Film Critics of Kazakhsta Gulnara Abikeeva.
The speakers also spoke about the plans for the development of the Media & Film School. In the 2021-22 academic year, the Institute for Media and Cinematography will open within the school, which will engage in interdisciplinary research in the field of media and cinema. Also next year such specialties as journalism, television and radio journalism, animation, production, graphic design, drama and others will be opened.
* AlmaU, Almaty Management University is the first private university in the CIS, founded in 1988.
AlmaU MBA programs are the only ones in Central Asia that are globally accredited by the MBA Association (AMBA, 2013-2021). The Executive MBA program AlmaU entered the top 100 QS World University Rankings: Global ЕМВА 2021. MBA programs are in the top 200 QS World University Rankings: Global MBA 2021. MBA programs are in the top 25 QS World University Rankings Asia: MBA 2021. AlmaU is ranked 301+ in the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking (2020). The programs “Public Relations”, “Marketing”, “Economics”, “Law”, “Restaurant and Hotel Business” and “Logistics” are included in the top 10 of the national rating of Atameken (2021).
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